Sunday, August 12, 2012

Media. Satan's Secret Weapon.

We live in a world where media everywhere is influencing us. The smallest thing affects us. From a short inappropriate commercial, to a funny joke or even an actor swearing in a movie. Satan jumped for joy when the internet was invented. He could now get to us without us even knowing it, before it's too late. Satan is trying to knock us off the path leading back to our Heavenly Father, and we just CANNOT let that happen. When those bad commercials and that swearing comes up, we need to have the moral courage to stand up. We have to be bigger than that. We need to walk away from it and return to an environment where spiritual truths are spoken. If we do not stand firm the first time, it will just become easier and easier to ignore it. Eventually, it will become "the usual" to hear those bad words and see pornography in movies. Brothers and Sisters, we cannot let that become a part of our lives.

Media can impact us for good though. We can share the Gospel with our friends, we can index names for temple work and prepare talks and lessons. There are many more ways to use the internet positively. We just need to find them, and stick with them.

In this world, there are many people who have become addicted to media. It seems that some people I know, are always doing something that involves technology, whether it be texting, watching television, surfing the internet, or reading a magazine. The truth is, is that media is all around us. We cannot escape it. We use it every day of our lives. We cannot become addicted to it. If we do, we lose precious memories with families, friends and others. We are sending the message that media is more important to us then eating together as a family, or spending time with our siblings. You will regret not having those memories later in life!

In this Mormon Youth video, President Henry B. Eyring says everything for me. I hope that you will watch it and feel the Spirit as I did. And then, be willing to stand against bad media, and use media for good! I know that this Church is true, and that through this Gospel we can be happy and that families can be together forever. And I say that in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

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