It sounds like an awesome choice! It's the correct choice. I think everyone would want to live forever and be free. In 2 Nephi 2:27 it gives you a choice:
". . .they are free to
e f and eternal
g, through the great Mediator of all men, or to choose captivity and death, according to the captivity and power of the devil. . ." Lehi lays it right in front of us. It comes down to those two choices. What you do in your daily life tells your Heavenly Father what you really want. If your decisions are leaning towards captivity and death, you must change that. Lucifer is so good at what he does. He's been doing this for thousands of years. He can lure you in with small little things that you do not do anything about. Here's an example: On Facebook this morning, I logged on, and all of these pornographic ads came up. I thought that they were only on the News feed page, but as I was checking my notifications and things, they did not go away! So, if these images are not gone in a week, I am deleting my Facebook account. I do not have time for Satan's little tricks. All you have to do is realize what he is doing before it is too late and you can laugh it him. "Ha. You thought you could get me. Nice try bro." You can show him up! Choose Christ. He is the way, the light, and the life. He wants us to reach our full potential on this Earth, and to do so, we cannot let Satan influence our lives. Choose Liberty and Eternal Life. You'll be happy you did later.
"We will always have the right to choose"
- President Thomas S. Monson October 2010
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