Sometimes members of the Church wonder why a certain trial is happening to them. However, the Lord gives us trials so we can learn and grow. He never gives us anything we cannot handle. He is here for us to turn to. President Henry B. Eyring, says it much better than I ever could. Below is an excerpt from his talk from the previous conference titled, "Mountains to Climb":
I wish to encourage those who are in the midst of hard trials, who feel
their faith may be fading under the onslaught of troubles. Trouble
itself can be your way to strengthen and finally gain unshakable faith.
Moroni, the son of Mormon in the Book of Mormon,
told us how that blessing could come to pass. He teaches the simple and
sweet truth that acting on even a twig of faith allows God to grow it:
now, I, Moroni, would speak somewhat concerning these things; I would
show unto the world that faith is things which are hoped for and not
seen; wherefore, dispute not because ye see not, for ye receive no
witness until after the trial of your faith.
it was by faith that Christ showed himself unto our fathers, after he
had risen from the dead; and he showed not himself unto them until after
they had faith in him; wherefore, it must needs be that some had faith
in him, for he showed himself not unto the world.
because of the faith of men he has shown himself unto the world, and
glorified the name of the Father, and prepared a way that thereby others
might be partakers of the heavenly gift, that they might hope for those
things which they have not seen.
“Wherefore, ye may also have hope, and be partakers of the gift, if ye will but have faith."
It is never too late to strengthen the foundation of faith. There is
always time. With faith in the Savior, you can repent and plead for forgiveness.
There is someone you can forgive. There is someone you can thank. There
is someone you can serve and lift. You can do it wherever you are and
however alone and deserted you may feel."
I am grateful for the prophets and apostles that we have on this Earth and I hope that we heed to their words. And I know that we can overcome any trial with Christ by our side. And I say that in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.
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