Missionary work is great! You get to see people change their lives to follow the Savior. It is an amazing experience to witness and makes us want to be even better. This past week I was chatting with a friend who I had prieviously talked to about our religions and she didn't really enjoy her church and didn't attend very often. I informed her of all the fun activities and opportunities that our Church offers for its members. She seemed pretty acceptive and wanted to come to a youth activity. There was a fall out for the one we planned and I told her when the next one came up I would tell her. Recently I had had an impression to invite her to church. Seeing that it was fast sunday coming up I thought that she would particularly enjoy it. I invited her and she reacted in a way that I did not entirely expect. She was offended that I asked her and was annoyed by it. I didn't even know what to say back to her. She apologized but I felt like she didn't really mean it.
Since that experience I had been pretty down on myself and didn't know where to go from here. I had invited a lot of my friends already and they either weren't interested or got my hopes up and then it didn't work out. I want to spread this great message to all of my friends. Because I am a mormon, I live a great life. I know where I'll be going after I die, I know where I came from and why I am here. I know that whatever happens in my life, it is for the reason that my Heavenly Father loves me. And I want everyone I know to have that same knowledge.
Today in Fast and Testimony meeting I bore my testimony and I knew that missionary work was a good thing. I knew at that point that I cannot give up. The Lord is calling us to the work. That doesn't mean that even more people will be interested than before. It means that we need to work harder, and involve the Spirit more with our teaching and finding people who are ready. Those people are out there. They don't know what to do and need that comfort that comes through the Gospel. I also found a quote by Elder Neil L. Andersen, and he states: "Whether or not the invitation is accepted as you invite others to come and see you will feel the approval of the Lord and, with that approval, an added measure of faith to share your beliefs again and again." (emphasis added).
I love this work and I am so impressed and grateful for all of the hard work that the missionaries of the world put in every day to serve others to bring others unto Christ. I know that if we continue to share the Gospel, we will feel blessed and loved by our Heavenly Father because we are following His counsel. Never give up. And I say that in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.
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