This message applies to all religions. "We ought not think that we can go weeks/months without spiritual sustenance and not suffer." We may not see the effects at first, but over time it is evident that we are starting to fall away. A couple years ago, I was the mormon teenager that was going through the motions. I sang the hymns and attended my classes then went home. I didn't quite understand the blessings that were before me if I listened and participated in the lessons. I Knew. I did not Do. There is a difference between knowing and doing. As a follower and disciple of Christ, it is a call to action, whatever beliefs you have. We all have the desire to return to our Father in Heaven. And by accomplishing that we cannot sit around. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is just that. We believe that we must stand as a witness of God at all times and in all things and in all places. When I was younger, I knew that, but this past year, I have really started to grasp that and begin to understand what that requires of me. Granted, I'm still learning and trying to be better, but I know that I am on the right path.
It is never to late to repent. Our Father in Heaven is always looking out for us and will always love you. You can start today. Like Elder Christopherson was saying, the small daily things that he talks about, may seem like nothing, but day by day they transform us. We will never be perfect on this Earth, but through Christ we can be made strong. So when you fall down, GET BACK UP! :) Satan will try and tell you it's not worth it or it is too late. Never encourage those thoughts the second you get them. Just as we need to be partaking of food every day to stay healthy, our spiritual bodies need that spiritual uplift. The spiritual need for sustenance is just as strong. Don't hesitate to say a prayer. Rely on the Lord, because He will carry you through your hard trials in life. As i have been writing this paragraph, a song keeps coming to mind. I really enjoy it and I hope you will too. It's called "Even When You're Broken". It's great because it shows you that you there is always time. Christ understands everything you've gone through. Listen to the lyrics and apply them to your life. I know that this is Christ's church. I know that we have prophets on the Earth today that lead and guide us. I know of the truthfulness of the Book of Mormon. That book can change your life if you want it to. I love my Savior and I am so grateful for His hand in my life. And I say that in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.
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