Tuesday, October 8, 2013

With a Prophet. . .

Hello everyone! I would just like to welcome all of you who have been added by your amazing friends! I hope that you come here and feel uplifted every time you read! And since there are so many new people, I actually have this on a blog! I use the facebook group for people who don't have a blogger, or who are just too lazy to check their email about it. :) (I think it's only for gmail.) 

So, this blog was started up about 15 months ago, and it was all inspired from one lesson that I had at a church camp in Utah. One of the counselors shared a lesson on sharing the Gospel through media and he challenged us to share it some way. Well, about 50 posts later and I don't know how many words, this is the result! I am so grateful that I chose to do this and I would like to thank everyone who has supported me! 

Okay here comes the really good stuff.

This past conference was amazing! I'm so happy that we have prophets on the Earth today so that we can learn what God would have us do. There were numerous messages that I got from Conference and I will share some of them later. And I encourage you to share your favorite parts! :) 

I was contemplating after Conference about what we would do, where we would be in life without prophets. We would be lost. We would seek our own revelation and may get it confused with our own human thoughts and desires. Without a prophet, we wouldn't have that communication with God that our prophets have. There wouldn't be the Word of Wisdom, there wouldn't be missionaries serving missions. Without a prophet, where would our Church be? We wouldn't have over 15 million members. And we wouldn't have the comfort of knowing that God speaks to us through His prophets today. 

With a prophet, we have everything. Since we have a living prophet on the Earth today, we know that we are being led in the right direction. With the guidance of our Heavenly Father, this Church is growing. It is reaching all over the world. Our Prophet, Thomas S Monson, talks with God. Knowing that, it may wake all of us up to listen to President Monson's words especially. I challenge you all to reread every word that President Monson spoke this past weekend. There is something in there for each of us. Along with President Monson, others gave fantastic talks that were inspired because they prayed about what to speak on.  Thanks to President Monson's faithfulness and trust in the Lord, missionaries now go serve at ages 18 and 19. I am so grateful for the examples that our prophets have been for us and I cannot wait for April to come around! It'll be warmer, and another weekend to listen to our prophet! 

Highlights from each talk from this past weekend: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4QHenusMCRA&list=PLAYgY8SPtEWHVWGP2AvYqUJLWeDMZJIpF 

I know that we need a living prophet on the Earth today and I love this Gospel and the peace it brings into my life. Don't ever leave this Church. It will continue to bless your life even if you don't see it. I know that Joseph Smith restored this Church upon the Earth and translated the Book of Mormon through the power of God. I am grateful that families can be together forever, and I say that in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen. 

Questions? Suggestions? Contact me through Facebook or email!

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