Sunday, August 4, 2013

The Purposes of the Aaronic Priesthood.... Let us be men.

The purposes of the Aaronic Priesthood include:

1. Become converted to the gospel of Jesus Christ and live by its teachings.    
2. Serve faithfully in priesthood callings and fulfill the responsibilities of priesthood offices    
3. Give meaningful service.
4. Prepare and live worthily to receive the Melchizedek Priesthood and temple ordinances.
5. Prepare to serve an honorable full-time mission.
6. Obtain as much education as possible.
7. Prepare to become a worthy husband and father.
8. Give proper respect to women, girls, and children.

Become Converted to the Gospel of Jesus Christ and live its teachings and Serve faithfully in priesthood callings and fulfill the responsibilities of priesthood offices. That's a mouthful. When we are converted to anything, we LIVE it. We breathe it. We know it to be true. When we are converted to the Gospel, We live the commandments. We make it known what we believe. We WANT to tell others about it. Conversion leads to action. Action leads to Conversion. In the long run. When we are converted, like I said, that leads to action. Serve is an action word. When we are converted, we WILL serve faithfully in whatever church calling we have, whether it be in Primary (teaching kids ages 3-12), or whether you are in the Stake Presidency. And when we serve in our callings righteously and diligently, we will GET BLESSINGS. And who wants to deny that? In the book of Luke it reads: "But I have prayed for thee, that thy faith fail not: and when thou art converted, strengthen thy brethren." Now I just have one question, ARE YOU CONVERTED?

Give meaningful service and Prepare and live worthily to receive the Melchizedek Priesthood and temple ordinances. So we are not only supposed to serve in our church callings, but serve everyone! It makes me think about a part from the For the Strength of Youth book, "Service to others is an important characteristic of a disciple of Jesus Christ. A disciple is willing to bear other people’s burdens and to comfort those who need comfort. Often Heavenly Father will meet the needs of others through you." Heavenly Father will meet the needs of others through you. Always be looking for opportunities to serve. And don't hesitate when you see them. take those chances. You could make someone's day. And if we all made each other's day for a week, that'd be a great week. And if we do that 52 times in a row, we're spreading the light of Christ to the world. Pay it Forward, in a way. Preparing every day in order to be worthy to enter into the temple and receive the Melchizedek Priesthood requires a realization first off of what you are preparing for. These are sacred covenants you are making with your Heavenly Father. Don't take them lightly. Therefore, we must prepare everyday doing the little things; because it is through those things that we forge our strong testimonies and build up our faith. We do not  become as Moroni by not doing the simple things. We cannot have the trust or courage that Nephi had from eating Wheaties. COME ON GUYS. WAKE UP. Are you reading your scriptures? Are you praying to your Heavenly Father? Do you stay for all church meetings? Do you participate weekly in these meetings? If you said no to any of these questions, there is still time! Start today! And if you answered yes to all of these, what is it that you should be doing that you aren't doing? What is having a bad influence on your life and should exit from your daily activities and routines? PREPARE NOW. 

Prepare to Serve an Honorable Full-Time Mission and Obtain as much Education as possible. Preparing to serve an honorable full time mission goes back to the same EXACT questions that I asked before. It is in those daily studies that we gain a greater testimony of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Sure, there are huge boosts to your testimony, and I have seen that myself, but don't joke around in Church young men. There are actually teachers who know what they are talking about. They have taken time out of their busy lives to plan a lesson for you. And hopefully will affect your life. A great help to preparing for your mission is to be a missionary. Read and Study Preach My Gospel. Ask the missionaries when you can go out with them to appointments. They can help prepare you for your mission. Obtain as much education as possible. The whole purpose on this Earth is to learn. Gain knowledge, learn from our own mistakes, learn from others. So, learning as much as we can on this life is key. Understanding our worth as a son/daughter of God. Seeing ourselves as our Heavenly Father sees us, which is what we will become, not who we are at the moment. Don't be shy. Always ask questions. We are all gaining knowledge on this Earth. Why tear down someone who is trying to learn more about themselves and the world around them? In 1993 a member of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles (Richard G. Scott) stated: "We should make daily study of the scriptures a lifetime pursuit. … The most important [thing] you can do … is to immerse yourselves in the scriptures. Search them diligently. … Learn the doctrine. Master the principles. …You must … see that … searching the scriptures is not a burden laid upon [us] by the Lord, but a marvelous blessing and opportunity." Are you learning something new every day? More importantly, Are you learning something new about yourself, your divine potential, or about your Heavenly Father every day?

Prepare to Become a Worthy Husband and Father and Give Proper Respect to Women, Girls, and Children. In your preparations to become a husband and a father, it is always good to think about what you want your spouse to be like. Then be that person that you want to marry. If you do this, you can't go wrong. You will be learning everyday, you'll have a goal to serve a mission, and you will serve faithfully in your callings. I love how all of these purposes all rub off of each other. One purpose leads us to something else that will help us doing another purpose. Giving respect is key. Especially when it comes to the daughters of God and the next generation. We must treat them with kindness, we must serve them, we must help them in any way that they need it. We need to teach and prepare the next generation so that they will continue on the strait and narrow path. But you cannot teach someone or be an example to another person unless you have learned that principle or doing the things that you say you should be doing. It's that simple.  Gordon B. Hinckley explained this concept quite well, "The example of our living will carry a greater influence than will all the preaching in which we might indulge. We cannot expect to lift others unless we stand on higher ground ourselves." Let us be examples.

In closing, I just want to bear you my testimony that I know that this Church is true. We have the fulness of the Gospel. The priesthood power that we have on the Earth today are real. I know that Joseph Smith was a true prophet and that we have a prophet on the Earth today, leading and guiding us. I love you all and hope that my words may have influenced you through the Holy Ghost to do something. And I say that in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

P.S. I used a lot of Church related terms that most are not familiar with. Need some help? Just go to the links in the sidebar! Thanks!

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