Friday, August 9, 2013


Recently I have gone out with the missionaries in our area. As I was driving over to meet them, it was late at night (24 hour split). I was trying to apply things in my everyday life to the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I was elated to find one! This picture below doesn't quite suffice but when I was driving on a 4 lane road, there is a double yellow line in between and white markers on the side that you're driving on and on the other side of the road, the markers are red. They are there to warn us. Because if we drive on that side of the road, we are most definitely going to crash into another car. It reminded me of Holland's "Stay Within the Lines" video that we have all seen maybe 10 times. But it's so true, even if you cross over that double yellow line just a little, there is still a danger of a wreck. This analogy also reminds me of the driver that could drive within 6 inches of the edge, the driver who said he could drive within 2 inches of the edge, and one that said he would stay as far away from the edge as possible. Which driver are you? I strongly suggest that if you are that 2 inches driver, you change your priorities. When we are doing what our Heavenly Father asks of us, serving the needy and the poor, studying the word of God with purpose and when we love others with all of our might, mind and strength, we will be driving as far away from that cliff as we possibly can. We will be in the furthest right lane of that road. Not even letting temptation get to us. Laughing at Satan's tricks and moving on. We will know what is a temptation from the devil and we will know when we receive a prompting from the Holy Ghost, and we will follow it. 

While I was out on my 24 hour split, I studied with them and we prayed a lot. It was so great to realize how much they rely on the Spirit and love the work that they do. The thing that was disappointing but eye opening to me at the same time was that we spent probably 4 or 5 hours trying to find people. They know that it is not the best way to find people but they didn't have any other appointments. Three words. MEMBER MISSIONARY WORK. We got about 3 potentials that day, which was pretty good, but if we had three member potentials, that would've been fantastic! Because if the members are involved in the missionary work and are friends of the investigators, it helps immensely. We can help our friends come to the knowledge of the Gospel. There are people out there waiting for us. All we need to do is to look and be open. I know that God lives and loves us individually. He is hastening His work. What are we doing to help in the effort? I know that the Book of Mormon is the word of God, I know that the Bible is true and with these two books together, we can come closer to God. I know that there is a living prophet on the Earth today who talks with our Heavenly Father and he cares for us also. And I say that in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen. 

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