Hey guys! I was in one of the church meetings a little bit ago and one of the speakers quoted this short, but impactful scripture: "Look unto me in every thought;
doubt not, fear not." This scripture is in the form of a commandment. There are three action words in this scripture: look, doubt, and fear.
1. Look
The context that the Lord is using with the word look can be personalized to you. Whether it be that you always have Him in your thoughts, you look unto Him when you're having bad thoughts, or to ask Him if what you're doing is right. I think for me when I read that at this time in my life, it means to me that I should always have Him in my thoughts. As a result, the two action words will follow. I will not doubt or fear. This first step is key to accessing the comfort that our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ can bring into your life by making the right decisions. The Holy Ghost, which is always with you once you are baptized, will always lead you to do the right thing. It's always easy to do the wrong thing, but hard to do the right thing. When you know what is right, and you don't listen to the Holy Ghost, you lose that chance to come closer to your Heavenly Father. However, if we have Him always in our thoughts, the Holy Ghost becomes our confirming witness that what we are doing is pleasing the Lord. You will feel peace and comfort when you do so.
2. Doubt Not
If you doubt what Heavenly Father has led you to do, you will not follow it. I once heard somewhere and I think to be true, that the more you deny the promptings of the Holy Ghost, the less you will receive of them. And even when you have the Lord always in your thoughts, Satan isn't going to just let this happen. He is working harder than ever to pull us off the path towards our Heavenly Father, revealing another, fun and better looking path, but that which only brings instant happiness. Like in the New Testament, Peter began to doubt, and as soon as he doubted, he began to sink. If you don't want to sink, continue to fix your eye on the Lord. When you have an eternal mindset, Satan cannot get to you. When you know who you are and whose you are it's like you have a bubble of protectino around you. It's harder for Satan to tempt you. A word that I would add to the scripture, is to actively look, because when you actively look, doubting is much harder. We can't go through the motions anymore. If we want to be truly happy, we need to pick a side. The side where we do not doubt. The side where we do not fear because we know what the outcome is going to be.
3. Fear Not
This song really helps explain the core message. Hope you enjoy! Wish I could sing like this...
I know that this Church is true. That our Heavenly Father is and will always be there for us. It is up to us, to not let Him down. You decide. I decide. Let us decide to choose the right, to be a light unto the world. And I say that in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.