Sunday, July 27, 2014

Remember. He is Enough.

As summer is closing up, a lot of things are coming up in my life that makes it very busy and therefore stressful. I myself do not have great self esteem at all and I hope to improve that. One thing that helps me is knowing that Christ knows me and can help me. Man is not perfect and we need divine help in order to qualify for the celestial kingdom. I feel like a lot of people forget that all we have to do is try our best and he will meet us wherever our progression is. Some people do not even know of His existence. That He is there for us. He is the greatest Friend you can ever have. He knows you more than you know yourself so why not let Him guide our lives? I love my Savior for taking upon my sins and bringing such peace into my life. 

"Heavenly Father sees us as the glorious beings we are capable of becoming" (Joseph B Wirthlin). Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ see us as what we can become if we stay on the strait and narrow path the rest of our lives. They are saddened if we fall off of the path but when we return on that path, they are joyful. They want the best for each and every one of us and they know how hard it is to live during this time. When we Come unto Him he can protect us as long as we keep the commandments (Alma 37:16). It is so so important to be a disciple of Christ every day of our lives through our actions and examples. We need to feasting on the words of Christ. Our spiritual minds need that in order to make it through the day.

I know that as we all focus on what really matters and realize that He is enough, we will feel at peace and feel His love that He has for us. We need to be doing the things that we know we should be. When we listen to God, we receive blessings and we need those in order to do our best in making it back to our families and loved ones in heaven. I know that with the Lord's help it is possible. And I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen. 

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