Sunday, November 30, 2014

With the Lord, everything will be okay!

It has been a fast couple months. It is so strange to think that tomorrow is December. I have enjoyed my first half of a stressful senior year and look forward to what looks like a more enjoyable second half of my last year in high school. As the year has been flying by, my time to start my mission papers is looming. I'll most likely start them around Christmas Break and I plan on submitting them on February 17th. And hopefully get my call around the time that Elder Rulon Dahneke returns home from his mission on March 4th! It'll be an exciting next couple months for me! Well, I did not bring up my mission and how stressful life has been for no reason. Since life is passing by so quickly, I've have grown continuously more nervous about my mission and my future. Looking back though, I have come to realize, that the Lord has been there every step of the way. 

I, like many other latter day saint teens get the marvelous opportunity to wake up at five am or earlier every school day to attend seminary. It has been amazing these past three and a half years but it has been a tiring journey. When I see most people start to fall asleep during class, I am somehow awake and engaged in lectures and work time. It is amazing to me because I know that I am receiving strength every day from Heavenly Father to keep on pushing through my long days. I know that on my mission I will experience the same physical and spiritual strength that will carry me through hard times and long days. Because if there is one thing I have been reminded of through all of this, it is that Jesus Christ knows us perfectly. He knows what we need, what we want, what we dream, what we know, and what we don't. I know that since He came and suffered for my sins, that He can be with me whenever I need him; that He is beside me every step of the way cheering me on down the path that leads to happiness and eternal life. I know that He can be there for you whenever you call upon Him through prayer. He is all-powerful and full of mercy. I am so elated and honored to be able to bear His name and preach His Gospel to my brothers and sisters. If there is one thing I want everyone to remember, I want them to know that no matter WHAT you are going through, WHO is causing conflict in you life, or WHY something is happening to you, everything will be okay as long as you rely on the Lord. When He is by your side, YOU ARE UNSTOPPABLE. I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen. 

Saturday, September 13, 2014

The Spirit is My Best Friend, Is He Yours?

     Life really does seem to get in the way with these blog posts. If I could post with thoughts and post through my mind then I'd be posting almost everyday with how Heavenly Father blessed me that day. People need to get on that. Well I hope everyone that reads this is doing well and that you are all strengthening your testimonies as I am mine. It grows every day. And Satan cannot stop that. He thinks he can. But we were reserved for this time because the Lord trusted us. We proved ourselves capable of living down here today and we can definitely do it. 

     Tonight I was able to go to an appointment with the missionaries. They wanted me to arrive a little early and I did not know I was arriving early until I got there and they just sat and talked to me and what they said was inspired and exactly what I needed to here. Our lesson we had with our friend was fantastic! She has come so far! Going out with the missionaries you are not only attempting to convert those they are meeting with but your testimony is strengthened as well. Tonight the Spirit was there and told me what I needed to hear. It was so simple of an experience but I love that so much. It was not complicated. It meant so much to me. That is how I know this Church is true. 

      The Book of Mormon was translated by Joseph Smith and he was a prophet. Thomas S. Monson is our prophet on the Earth today. I know that Heavenly Father loves each and every one of us. Every day I need his help. He has a specific plan for me and I am a witness to that and to imagine that He knows everyone else just as well as He knows me is breathtaking and so great. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints brings happiness and joy into my life that is everlasting. I know that I will be with my family forever and my friends. I know that Jesus Christ will come again. And I long for that day. I know that Jesus Christ took upon every one of our sins and that we can be cleansed if we come unto Him. I assure you all that there is an easier way out there. There is a way out of anything that you are struggling with whether it be spiritually, physically, emotionally, or mentally; it is through our Savior, Jesus Christ. 

When Christ shall come, with shout of acclamation,
And take me home, what joy shall fill my heart.
Then I shall bow, in humble adoration,
And then proclaim: "My God, how great Thou art!"
"How Great Thou Art"
I love Christ's Church. I love the order it brings into my life. Without it, I would be lost and totally confused, and I would not even know it. I say these things in the name of my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, Amen. 

Sunday, August 3, 2014

He's Been There Before!

Hello everyone! Life has been swell! I just wanted to share a poem that someone shared a little while ago in my home ward that I just love. It speaks for itself. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do!

"The alarm bell rings at 6:30, I stumble to my feet
I grab my companions bedding and pull off his sheets

A groan fills the room, is it already time to arise?
It seems like just a second ago, I was able to shut my eyes
The morning activities follow- study, prayer and such
When it's time to leave the apartment, you feel you haven't accomplished much

"We have a super day planned,"
My comp. says with a grin
I lowly utter a faithless breath,
"Yeah, if anyone lets us in."

With the word of God and my faithful Schwinn, we ride off in the street prepared to
Face another day of humidity and heat
It's 9:30 in the evening, the day is almost through
My champion and I are riding home not accomplishing what we thought to do

We ride up to the mailbox, hoping to receive a lot
Only to look inside and hear my echo reverberate "air Box"
We go up to our apartment, the day is now complete
The only thing to show for our work is a case of blistery feet

It's past 10:30 p.m. My companion is fast asleep,
Silence engulfs me all about and I begin to weep
In the midst of sadness, I kneel down to pray
I need to talk to father, but I'm not sure what to say

"Oh, Father" I begin, "What happened to us today?
I thought we'd teach somebody, but everyone was away
My hands, my aching hands- worn, hurt and beat;
If our area was any smaller, we'd have knocked every street"

"Why on missions are the days so much alike?
The only difference about today was the flat tire on my bike
Will you send some cooler weather? The heat is killing me
I sweat so bad, it gets in my eyes, it's very hard to see"

"Why do I have to wear a helmet, isn't your protection enough?
People always laugh at me, and call me stupid stuff
Please send us investigators so I may give them what they lack
I want to give them Books of Mormon, the weight of them hurts my back"

"And what about my family: They don't have much to say
I'm sick of not hearing from home day after day after day
Oh Father, Why am I here am I just wasting time?
Sometimes I just want to go home, I'm sorry but that's on my mind"

"My companion, Heavenly Father, what are you giving me?"
The way he rides his bicycle, I don't think he can see
Now you have it, I can't go on, I don't know what to do
That, my Father in Heaven, is the prayer I have for you"

My prayer now finished, I stand up, then jump right into bed
I need my rest for tomorrow, we have another long day ahead
Sleep start to overtake me, I seem to drift away
Then it seems a vision takes me to another time in another day

I'm standing alone on the hill. The view is very nice
A man walks to wards me and says, "My name is Jesus Christ"
Tears of joy well up inside, I fall down to His feet
"Arise," He states, "Follow me to the shade. You and I need to speak"

My attention's towards my Savior, total and complete
He says, "Your mission is similar of what happened to me
I understand how you feel, I know what you're going through
In fact, it would be fair to say I've felt the same as you"

"I even know how you felt when no one listened to you
At times I felt not quite sure what else I could do
I know you don't like to ride a bicycle, for you a car would be sweet
Just remember the donkey I rode wasn't equipped with 21 speeds"

"I understand you don't like sweating, in fact it's something you hate
I remember when I sweat blood from ev’ry pore, oh the agony was great!
I see you don't like your companion- you'd rather have someone else-
I once had a companion named Judas who sold my life for wealth"

"It's hard to wear a helmet and have people make fun of you
I remember when they put thorns on my head and called me King of the Jews
So you feel burdened down by the weight of your pack
I recall how heavy the cross was when they slammed it on my back"

"Your hands hurt from tracting and knocking on doors all day
I guess when they pounded nails into mine, I ached in a similar way
It's hard not to hear from home when your family's not there to see
I lost communication on the cross and cried, "Father, why hast Thou forsaken me?"

"We have a lot in common, but there's a difference between us you see
I endured to the end and finished my mission, so follow and do like me"
He embraced me with His arms and His light filled me with His love
With tears in my eyes I watched as He went back to the Father above

I stood with awe and wonder when a beep rang in my head
I listened and heard the alarm, then realized I was in my bed
My companion let out a groan, "6:30 already, no way!"
I sat up and said, "Come on, I'll even carry your scriptures today!"

No matter what we go through,
When we feel we can't take more
Just stop and think about Jesus Christ,
He's been there before!

By Elder Troy Whittle
Texas Houston Mission"

Sunday, July 27, 2014

Remember. He is Enough.

As summer is closing up, a lot of things are coming up in my life that makes it very busy and therefore stressful. I myself do not have great self esteem at all and I hope to improve that. One thing that helps me is knowing that Christ knows me and can help me. Man is not perfect and we need divine help in order to qualify for the celestial kingdom. I feel like a lot of people forget that all we have to do is try our best and he will meet us wherever our progression is. Some people do not even know of His existence. That He is there for us. He is the greatest Friend you can ever have. He knows you more than you know yourself so why not let Him guide our lives? I love my Savior for taking upon my sins and bringing such peace into my life. 

"Heavenly Father sees us as the glorious beings we are capable of becoming" (Joseph B Wirthlin). Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ see us as what we can become if we stay on the strait and narrow path the rest of our lives. They are saddened if we fall off of the path but when we return on that path, they are joyful. They want the best for each and every one of us and they know how hard it is to live during this time. When we Come unto Him he can protect us as long as we keep the commandments (Alma 37:16). It is so so important to be a disciple of Christ every day of our lives through our actions and examples. We need to feasting on the words of Christ. Our spiritual minds need that in order to make it through the day.

I know that as we all focus on what really matters and realize that He is enough, we will feel at peace and feel His love that He has for us. We need to be doing the things that we know we should be. When we listen to God, we receive blessings and we need those in order to do our best in making it back to our families and loved ones in heaven. I know that with the Lord's help it is possible. And I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen. 

Sunday, July 20, 2014

Home/Visiting Teaching - It's Awesome!

So I went home teaching with my dad earlier today and sometimes it feels like it's kind of a drag because I never really appreciated what I am really doing. Home teaching is missionary work for when the missionaries leave. Missionaries are never in a ward for more than a few months so it is up to the ward to look after each other!

We were able to go to one of our families today and I love going there because there is a lot of laughs but also a lot of spiritual discussion that strengthens my testimony. I actually shared with them a recent blog post from earlier this year and I could feel the spirit so strongly! I loved it! 

Ezra Taft Benson once counseled, “Brethren, home teaching is not just another program. It is the priesthood way of watching over the Saints and accomplishing the mission of the Church. Home teaching is not just an assignment. It is a sacred calling. The Savior Himself was a teacher. The only perfect man to walk the face of the earth was a humble, dedicated, inspired teacher who brought to His followers salvation and exaltation."

I know that this Church us true and if we set home teaching and visiting teaching as a high priority in our lives that we will bless those we are assigned to. The assignments made are inspired and those people need you. I know this is short but in reality when you think about the blessings you can receive from serving your fellow brothers and sisters, it is worth taking time out of your day. I know that Thomas S Monson is our prophet on the Earth today. God has a plan for all of us. He knows us. He blesses us, even when we think he isn't. I love being a part of this Church it brings so much peace and comfort. If I did not have it, I would have no purpose. No goal. This Church is so great. Christ leads and guides it. I know that He died for us and took upon our sins. Turn to him in any trials you have, because He has gone through them! I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

Thomas Monson Home Teaching Story -

Sunday, July 13, 2014

Obedience - A Learning Process

Hey everyone! Below is a talk that I gave in Church today! Enjoy! 

Good morning brothers and sisters, the last time I was up here was over a year ago. I got pretty good at avoiding it. But my plan is obviously not perfect because I'm back up here. I'm honored to be speaking to you today. I was asked to speak on the topic of obedience. I thought that I would first turn to one of the twelve apostles. L Tom Perry said:

"Obedience is a choice. It is a choice between our own limited knowledge and power and God’s unlimited wisdom and omnipotence. To succeed in life, we must teach our spirit and body to work together in obedience to God’s commandments. If we heed the gentle promptings of the Holy Ghost, it can unite our spirits and bodies in a purpose that will guide us back to our eternal home to live with our eternal Father in Heaven."

This is what we should all be working for. When we listen to the still small voice of the Holy Ghost, it blesses our lives and we will be led down the path of righteousness, avoiding the path of misery through wrong decisions. 

In the third Article of Faith, it tells us the rewards of keeping the commandments. "We believe that through the Atonement of Christ, all mankind may be saved by obedience to the laws and ordinances of the Gospel."

In life when we follow the commandments, we are happy. In the following two scriptures, it goes on: 

"There is a law, irrevocably decreed in heaven before the foundations of this world, upon which all blessings are predicated--And when we obtain any blessing from God, it is by obedience to that law upon which it is predicated." - D&C 130:20-21

"And moreover, I would desire that ye should consider on the blessed and happy state of those that keep the commandments of God. For behold, they are blessed in all things, both temporal and spiritual; and if they hold out faithful to the end they are received into heaven, that thereby they may dwell with God in a state of never-ending happiness. O remember, remember that these things are true; for the Lord God hath spoken it." - Mosiah 2:41

What these scriptures say are very true. When we are following God, we are blessed in our lives and are happy. 

Elder Delbert L Stapley in the October 1977 General Conference reminds us of a very important concept. 
"Often we forget that obedience must be learned. Even Jesus Christ, the Only Begotten Son of God, learned perfect obedience, which qualified Him to serve as our Lawgiver and Lord. In Hebrews we read:
“Though he were a Son, yet learned he obedience by the things which he suffered;
“And being made perfect, he became the author of eternal salvation unto all them that obey him.”"
Hebrews 5:8-9

So how does one learn? – BY OUR MISTAKES. And going through hard times. Once we feel guilt and we know the happiness felt from keeping the commandments we appreciate that feeling much more and become more obedient.

There are multiple things that help us be more obedient. That is through doing good works and keeping the commandments. Through reading the scriptures and listening to modern-day prophets we know what we need to do and through the Holy Ghost we are enlightened. 

Obedience today requires us to stand up and not follow the crowd. The world’s standards are plummeting as we know it and God’s: Never and will ever change. 

In Alma 5:57 it states:

"And now I say unto you, all you that are desirous to follow the voice of the good shepherd, come ye out from the wicked, and be ye separate, and touch not their unclean things; and behold, their names shall be blotted out, that the names of the wicked shall not be numbered among the names of the righteous, that the word of God may be fulfilled, which saith: The names of the wicked shall not be mingled with the names of my people;"

In today’s world, we go through some of the same things that the pioneers did. We as members of Christ’s Church are charged with the responsibility to stand as a witness of Christ. In the days of Korihor, the church members faced hard times because he was leading the people into wickedness. The members however were diligent and steadfast. Look up to them as an example. 

"For those who did not belong to their church did indulge themselves in sorceries, and in idolatry or idleness, and in babblings, and in envyings and strife; wearing costly apparel; being lifted up in the pride of their own eyes; persecuting, lying, thieving, robbing, committing whoredoms, and murdering, and all manner of wickedness;
Now this was a great trial to those that did stand fast in the faith; nevertheless, they were steadfast and immovable in keeping the commandments of God, and they bore with patience the persecution which was heaped upon them." (Alma 1:32, 25)

These people were surrounded with bad influences and could not avoid them. I'm sure that they had to stick together and put good things around them in order to stay and live true. 

If we surround ourselves with uplifting people, if we are standing in holy places, and partaking in righteous activities, we are setting ourselves up for success.

With all of the temptation around us there are many decisions that we have to make every day. The question that one needs to ask themselves is that is it easier to keep the commandments 98% of the time, or 100%? The answer is found in this quote by Ezra Taft Benson. 

"We must put God in the forefront of everything else in our lives. When we put God first, all other things fall into their proper place or drop out of our lives. Our love of the Lord will govern the claims of our affection, the demands on our time, the interests we pursue, and the order of our priorities." 

It is much easier to keep the commandments 100% of the time. If we choose today, to always follow Jesus Christ, then when those hard situations come up we will already know that answer.

I would like to share an example from my dad's mission. He served in Brazil and there were a lot of baptisms there. Halfway point through his mission he was going through the motions and made it a priority to follow the mission rules 100%. His companion and himself would study the full time. They would wake up at 630. They would always be doing what they were supposed to do. He says that is the turning point in his mission. He saw miracles in his mission every single day from that point on. He was enthusiastic every day and did not want to stop serving the Lord. 

Now we all need to take into consideration that none of us are perfect. If we were, then we wouldn't need a Savior. Through Christ, we may be saved. We are striving to become more like our Father in Heaven knowing that it is not possible until we are with Him again. That is what repentance is for. It “is the way to annul the effects of a previous lack of obedience in one’s life.”  - Spencer W. Kimball

So when Satan gets the best of you once, don’t feel defeated. Repent, get back up, and go back to doing the things that will keep you safe and bring you back to the strait and narrow path.

In conclusion I would like to quote a song sung by our Primary children:

Keep the commandments; keep the commandments!
   In this there is safety; in this there is peace.
   He will send blessings;
He will send blessings.
Words of a prophet:
Keep the commandments.
In this there is safety and peace.
We are His children; we are His children,
and we must be tested to show we are true.
Hold to His promises;
Hold to His promises,
Heeding the prophets:
Keep the commandments.
In this there is safety and peace.

  I know that our Savior lives. He is my Friend. I know that you can turn to Him with any issues that you have. I know that being obedient is important in our journey back to our Heavenly Father. I know that families are eternal. And I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.