Sunday, December 15, 2013

The Power of Everyday Missionaries.

The membership in our church passed 15 million members this past October. What a great achievement. The missionary force has increased significantly. New missions are opening. More temples are being built. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints is filling the world. 

With this growth and push for missionary work, missionary work is the "cool thing" to do now. And that's so great! We all can join in this work. Clayton M. Christensen wrote a book titled, "The Power of Everyday Missionaries". I have not read through the entire book yet, but so far it's so inspiring. I recommend that every member of the Church 12 and up to have a copy of this book. It is so awesome! We as members of the Church are the finders and not the missionaries. Knocking on doors just doesn't work anymore for missionary work. I've experienced it myself when I've gone out with the missionaries. A lot of the time you get no answer, or people seem interested but they don't make it very far. When a member introduces oone fo their friends to the Gospel, the conversion rate is far better. This book will help us all to become better missionaries before and after our missions. Elder Christensen explains ways to go beyond our normal daily conversations with friends and involve the Gospel in them in simple ways. He has already shared great experiences that have come up from taking that first step and letting the Spirit guide. May we all listen to his counsel and use it to help us hasten His work. 

“Every time you take someone figuratively by the hand and introduce him or her to Jesus Christ, you will feel how deeply our Savior loves you and loves the person whose hand is in yours.” 
                                                                                                    - Clayton Christensen
Involve the Lord in finding who is ready to hear His Gospel. When you include Him, He will direct you to a brother or sister in need of your help. They are out there guys. All we have to do is find them, and show them the blessings from living the way we do. From Elder Ballard's most recent talk in Conference, he reads a letter of a family who took to heart, in hastening the work of the Lord. 

"Dear Elder Ballard, 30 minutes after the worldwide broadcast on hastening the work of salvation, we held our family missionary council. We were thrilled to find that our teenage grandchildren wanted to be included. We’re happy to report that since our council meeting, we have expanded our family teaching pool by 200 percent."

I hope that we all can step up to the plate like this family did. Inviting people is the first step and most often the hardest. Pay attention to what your friends/coworkers may need and then invite them to an activity that will best suit them. 

Pray for missionary opportunities. Pray for service opportunities, because that can open doors you wouldn't think to be imaginable. I love this Church and the opportunity that I will have to serve the Lord and teach the world about Jesus Christ, our Savior. I am preapring every day. Christ's Church has been restored, and it is The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. I say this in the name of my Redeemer, Jesus Christ, Amen. 

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