I realized how much my days are filled with Him. He is always there. Even if we don't see it. At EFY this past week (A 5 day camp for mormon youth), I understood how important it was to always have the Spirit with me. He can influence my life greatly. I realized that I can be an instrument in His hands when I have the Spirit with me. I can be an influence to those around me. And I love it. I've received so many promptings in the past weeks, and I am so grateful that I followed them. I know that having the Spirit is essential in spreading forth the Gospel to all of the world. His work is moving forward. We cannot take this lightly. We can all become instruments in His hands if we simply read the Book of Mormon every day, pray earnestly, and seek for opportunities to serve others. I have seen the influence of the Holy Ghost so much and I love it!!!! I am so grateful for this Gospel, I don't even know how to describe it. While at EFY, my counselors guided me and I believe, were influenced with everything they told me. I love them to death! So I would just like to show you this video that one of my counselors showed us on Friday. And also, a song that comes from a past EFY (they make CD's for us.) I know that this Church is the only true church that has the power of the Priesthood that was given to Joseph Smith almost 200 years ago. I know that President Monson leads and guides this Church today. I know that the Book of Mormon is the keystone of our religion and can change your life. And I would like to say this in the name of my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, Amen.
Music: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vkliq8McLmw
Holland's First Great Commandment Talk: SO GOOD.
How can you relate this to your life?
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