Sunday, June 9, 2013

My Priesthood Lesson: Quorums/Conversion/Missionary Work

I gave a lesson in Priesthood today. And with this new curriculum I had to prepare a lot more than usual. I hope you enjoy it! There might be some things that make no sense....which were just  personal notes for me. But I think most of it was taken out. we go! 

What is the purpose of friends?

How does it feel to be supported and uplifted by others? Example?

How can you do that(uplift and support others)?

A quorum is a group of brethren that help and assist each other to stay on the path back to our Heavenly Father. We all need people in our lives to help us to choose the right and feel wanted.

There is something about being a part of a quorum. Quorums are set up for us to succeed.
 "You belong to a priesthood quorum of young men, where you can feel the brotherhood and friendship of other priesthood holders. The quorum is a protection for you against worldly influences. You are able to serve one another and participate in the ordinances of the priesthood. In your quorums you are also taught the principles of the gospel of Jesus Christ, which help you understand who you are. Young men, honor the priesthood of God. (2008 April General Conference, Do You Know Who You Are?, Priesthood Session - Dean R. Burgess)
"Belonging to a Quorum" quotes

"I now belonged to a quorum of the Aaronic Priesthood. The members of my quorum became very best friends. That friendship and quorum brotherhood continued to grow through my youth as we learned and served together in our priesthood duties. We were all good friends and experienced a fun and enjoyable time being together in our quorum activities." (2008 April General Conference, Do You Know Who You Are?, Priesthood Session - Dean R. Burgess)

"Of the many places you are needed, one of the very most important is your priesthood quorum. We need quorums that provide spiritual nourishment to members on Sunday and that also serve. We need leaders of quorums who focus on doing the Lord’s work and on supporting quorum members and their families." (2012 October General Conference, Brethren, We Have Work to Do, Priesthood Session - By  D. Todd Christofferson)

"Years ago President Gordon B. Hinckley expressed something of a vision regarding quorums in the priesthood. He said: “It will be a marvelous day, my brethren—it will be a day of fulfillment of the purposes of the Lord—when our priesthood quorums become an anchor of strength to every man belonging thereto, when each such man may appropriately be able to say, ‘I am a member of a priesthood quorum of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I stand ready to assist my brethren in all of their needs, as I am confident they stand ready to assist me in mine. Working together, we shall grow spiritually as covenant sons of God. Working together, we can stand, without embarrassment and without fear, against every wind of adversity that might blow, be it economic, social, or spiritual.’”

This is how we become a closer unit!!! Discussion of The Gospel of Jesus Christ brings people closer, and does not leave out, or decline others from the blessings we can receive from staying true to the Church.

"“You teenagers, embrace your new curriculum and teach one another the doctrine of Jesus Christ. Now is your time to prepare to teach others about the goodness of God.” (May 2013 New Era, Words to Live By)

"The fraternity of priesthood quorums can indeed be awesome. When I became a member of a Quorum of the Seventy, I assumed that I might be accepted by my brethren in the course of time if I were able to prove myself worthy of their association. I hoped someday to measure up and be approved. I was surprised to find myself immediately welcomed and from the outset treated as a brother, as an equal by men much more talented and accomplished than I. I have been supported and encouraged, loved and tutored in my quorum from my very first day of membership in it. Consequently, I feel a deep desire to contribute to the work of the quorum and to assist my brethren as much as I can." Todd Christopherson

"We must not delay or wait longer for this great day of fulfillment. Each of you who has received an ordination in the priesthood belongs to a quorum. If you live in a place where there are not enough brethren to form a quorum, you are a member of a priesthood group that will become a quorum. Resolve now to do all within your power to make of your priesthood quorum one worthy of the name and one faithful to its mission. Study with your brethren in the quorum class. Stand with them in the quorum fraternity. Work with them in quorum service. D. Todd Christofferson)

The church is organized for our success. We are all imperfect. That is why we have the Atonement of Jesus Christ. We can always lean on Him. We can be forgiven of our sins and get back on the path we need to be on! I can't think of anything greater than that. 

"We Are Brothers"

BD: "Conversion. Denotes changing one’s views, in a conscious acceptance of the will of God (Acts 3:19). If followed by continued faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, repentance, baptism in water for the remission of sins, and the reception of the Holy Ghost by the laying on of hands, conversion will become complete, and will change a natural man into a sanctified, born again, purified person—a new creature in Christ Jesus" (see 2 Cor. 5:17). (Bible Dictionary, Conversion)

"Committed Quotes"

"And so, brethren, the cry goes out: Gird for the battle. Take off the apparel of the world and clothe yourselves in the armor of righteousness. Let the priesthood authority you now hold become a powerful influence for good in your homes, in your wards and quorums, in your communities, and in your countries. Power in the priesthood is a product of righteousness; it is not an unearned gift." (1980 October General Conference, Purify Our Minds and Spirits, Priesthood Session)

"The Lord wants the members of His Church to be fully converted to His gospel. This is the only sure way to have spiritual safety now and happiness forever" Donald L. Hallstrom

"You can do it, my young brethren. You can become the men of righteousness and stature that your dreams and ambitions hold up before you. To accomplish this objective, you need to make some important decisions now, early in your life. This is the time to decide to decide!"(1980 October General Conference, Decide to Decide, Sun. Afternoon Session)

"When our lives are consistent with his gospel, we receive confidence through his Spirit to meet the challenges of each day. We can say with Nephi: “The Lord is able to do all things according to his will, for the children of men, if it so be that they exercise faith in him. … Wherefore, let us be faithful to him.” (1 Ne. 7:12.) (1980 October General Conference, Decide to Decide, Sun. Afternoon Session)

“As you love His children, Heavenly Father will guide you, and angels will assist you. You will be given power to bless lives and rescue souls. …
“Perhaps most important, you minister as you assist your father in his duties as the spiritual leader in your home. Give your full support and encouragement to family home evening, family prayer, and family scripture study. Do your part to ensure that the Spirit is present in your home. This will strengthen your father in his role and prepare you to be a father someday. If you do not have a father in your home, your responsibility to minister to your family is even more needed.”
“You don’t have to be a star athlete to minister to others. You received the power, the authority, and the sacred duty to minister the moment you were ordained to the priesthood. President James E. Faust taught, ‘Priesthood is the authority delegated to man to minister in the name of God’ [“Message to My Grandsons,” Ensign, May 2007, 54; emphasis added]. The Aaronic Priesthood holds the keys of the ministering of angels [see D&C 13:1]. (May 2013 New Era, For Young Men)

D&C 20:46, 58-59

"I am pleased to announce that effective immediately all worthy and able young men who have graduated from high school or its equivalent, regardless of where they live, will have the option of being recommended for missionary service beginning at the age of 18, instead of age 19. I am not suggesting that all young men will—or should—serve at this earlier age. Rather, based on individual circumstances as well as upon a determination by priesthood leaders, this option is now available. (2012 October General Conference, Welcome to Conference, Sat. Morning Session - By  Thomas S. Monson)

There are great blessings in store if we are willing to be fully committed to the work. Our missions are soon upon us. With the new missionary age....most of us sitting here could leave in two years. 730 days. And that requires work. Missions are hard, long, but worth it. I don't completely understand the blessings but I'm sure they are outstanding.

D&C 84:26 - duty of Aaronic Priesthood, What is the preparatory gospel?
leads to 1 Nephi 10:8- Focus on Prepare Ye the way of The Lord.
 *Fulfilling your Duty to God*

“As surely as the Lord has inspired more missionaries to serve, He is also awakening the minds and opening the hearts of more good and honest people to receive His missionaries. You already know them or will know them. They are in your family and live in your neighborhood. They walk past you on the street, sit by you in school, and connect with you online. You too are an important part of this unfolding miracle.” Andersen

"No missionary can be unrepentant...and then expect to challenge others to repent. The Spirit will not be with you....You cannot travel down forbidden paths and expect to guide others to the strait and narrow one." Holland
Helaman 4:24 - The Spirit doth not dwell in unholy temples.
Luke 7:14
When thou art converted, strengthen thy brethren. (Luke 22:32)

"Ye Elders of Israel"
"1. Ye elders of Israel, come join now with me
And seek out the righteous, where’er they may be—
In desert, on mountain, on land, or on sea—
And bring them to Zion, the pure and the free.
O Babylon, O Babylon, we bid thee farewell;
We’re going to the mountains of Ephraim to dwell.
2. The harvest is great, and the lab’rers are few;
But if we’re united, we all things can do.
We’ll gather the wheat from the midst of the tares
And bring them from bondage, from sorrows and snares.
3. We’ll go to the poor, like our Captain of old,
And visit the weary, the hungry, and cold;
We’ll cheer up their hearts with the news that he bore
And point them to Zion and life evermore. (Hymns of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 319. Ye Elders of Israel)

I know that this Gospel is true and that as we prepare each other for our missions through this new curriculum and this special bond we have together as brethren in the priesthood that we will come closer together and unto Our Father in Heaven who loves us dearly. I hope that every single one of my quorum members will stay true to this Gospel. It brings so many blessings into your life. Don't ignore opportunities to be spiritually lifted and strengthened. It gets me through hard days knowing that I get to see all of you on Sunday. And I hope that it is the same for you. And I say that in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen. 

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