Well, in The Book of Mormon, we read of Nephi's continuous obedience in the Lord in whatever he was asked. When he was asked to build the ship, he immediately repsonded with the question of where to find tools. He did not question what the Lord wanted of him or how he could possibly do it, because of his faith (1 Nephi 3:7). In chapter 17, he is comforted by the Lord in this manner, and I believe that this applies to all of us: "And I will also be your light in the wilderness; and I will prepare the way before you, if it so be that ye shall keep my commandments; wherefore, inasmuch as ye shall keep my commandments ye shall be led towards the promised land; and ye shall know that it is by me that ye are led." (emphasis added) I love this verse. He tells us that He will be our Light in the wilderness. This can be for anything, whether you're in college and feel like you're the only Mormon or if you're struggling with being bullied. We can Come unto Him and He will be that light we can hold onto in our times of uncertainty.
From reading the scriptures and attending church every sunday, we have many opportunities as Latter Day Saints of The Church of Jesus Christ to feel the Spirit and if we have the faith that He is there for us and will lead us through the wilderness, we will find that He loves us so much. We will find more and more evidence throughout our days, that He is watchful over us and we will recognize His hand in our everyday lives.
Through personal experience, whenever I have inquired of the Lord for help, I feel comforted. I know that He will always be with me, because He loves me and you more than either of us can comprehend! In the New Era (a Church magazine for young adults) they come out with a Mormonad that I look forward to every month! This one represents God's love for us. Even if we make bad decisions, He still loves us dearly. There are no petals that come off that say He hates you. HE LOVES YOU. HE LOVES YOU. HE LOVES YOU.
I know that our Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ love us and we can take anything to them and we will be at peace. I would encourage you all to seek for that evidence that proves Their love for you. I see it in my everyday life. I know that because He loves us, He gives us trials and temptations, and He knows that we can overcome them and endure. If we stay on the strait and narrow path back to our Heavenly Father, we will be more happy and blessed. I love all of the knowledge I continue to gain about my Savior and this Gospel, and I say that in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.
Have any questions? Comments? Feel free to message me! :)
-- Christian
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