Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Attitude of Gratitude

Hello everyone! I cannot wait for tomorrow! Food is not what I'm looking forward to most, but being thankful for all the things that we have. I am a victim of this myself, but we need to thank our Heavenly Father for the smallest things.  We live in a world where some of our friends are living in terrible conditions, and we may not even know it. If we serve our fellow men, we will be blessed. President Thomas S. Monson asked, "My brothers and sisters, do we remember to give thanks for the blessings we receive? Sincerely giving thanks not only helps us recognize our blessings, but it also unlocks the doors of heaven and helps us feel God’s love." I love our Prophet. He is so great. He holds the keys of the Church on this Earth today and I am grateful for his selfless service. I think that we would all want to feel of God's love. I know from personal experience that there is a time in our lives where we need that love. And other times, it's a bonus! 

President Gordon B. Hinckley said, When you walk with gratitude, you do not walk with arrogance and conceit and egotism, you walk with a spirit of thanksgiving that is becoming to you and will bless your lives.” I hope that we will all be grateful for what we are blessed with. In Monson's talk (An Attitude of Gratitude), he explains six important things that we should be thankful for. I would like to pick some important points from each of those to share with you today.

First, he says we should be grateful for is our mothers. "One writer summed up our love for mother when he declared, "God could not be everywhere, and so He gave us mothers."" I love my mom. She does miracles for me every day. I would hope that we all will thank our mothers this holiday season for all of their sacrifice in order to bless our lives. Thanks Mom. 

Second, Monson encourages us to thank, you guessed it, our fathers. "Father, like Mother, is ever willing to sacrifice his own comfort for that of his children. Daily he toils to provide the necessities of life, never complaining, ever concerned for the well-being of his family. This love for children, this desire to see them well and happy, is a constant in a time of change." My dad works so hard everyday. And I hope to be like him one day. Thanks Dad.

The third blessing we have, is our teachers. "The teacher not only shapes the expectations and ambitions of pupils; the teacher also influences their attitudes toward their future and themselves." I am grateful for the teachers in my life. I have had so many. You have all helped me to learn so much. You have pushed me to learn and keep learning about whatever the subject may be. I would also like to thank not necessarily my teachers only, but anyone that has ever helped me a tiny bit in my life. Without any of you guys, life would've been more tough. Thanks Teachers/Helpers.

The next important thing we should be grateful for is our friends. "True friends put up with our idiosyncrasies (faults). They have a profound influence in our lives." I am so thankful for all of the friends that have been in my life. Who have helped me cheer up when I have been feeling low, helped me to understand something, and just being there. My best friend will be my wife, but at this moment in my life, my best friend, is the coolest person I have ever met. He has ignored all of my faults and has been 'chill' with my shortcomings. Although he is a little younger than me (less than two weeks), to me, he's at least a couple years older. I look up to him like an older brother. I hope that our friendship will last through eternity. Thanks Best Friend.

The fifth blessing that the Prophet urges us to give thanks to is our country. "The feelings of heartfelt gratitude for the supreme sacrifice made by so many cannot be confined to a Memorial Day, a military parade, or a decorated grave." I would like to thank all of our veterans and any of those serving at this time for their courage and sacrifice for their service. It means a great deal to me that there are people in this world willing to fight for their country. I do not think I could ever do it. They gave us our freedom of speech, religion, and countless other freedoms that we would not have without them. Thanks Soldiers.

The last thing that President Monson wants us to be grateful for is our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.    "His glorious gospel provides answers to life’s greatest questions: Where did we come from? Why are we here? Where does my spirit go when I die? His called missionaries bring to those who live in darkness the light of divine truth . . ." I am so so grateful for this Gospel. It brings me comfort to know that there is more to this life. I cannot wait to be a missionary and proclaim its truth to all of the world. 

I love The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. If I did not have it, I would not be as happy as I usually am. I have no idea where I would be. I am grateful for all of the sacrifices that Joseph Smith made for us to have this Gospel on the Earth again today. I know that Heavenly Father lives, and if we pray to Him, we will feel of His divine and eternal love. And I say that in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

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