Wednesday, October 24, 2012

A Great Missionary Opportunity! And for others: Great for Answers!


                            You're invited (EVERYONE) to The Church of Jesus Christ of
                              Latter Day Saints on November 1st, 2012 for an Open House! 
What: The Mormons Next Door.. (title)
Time: 7:00 pm. 
Where: 2930 Townline Rd. Perry, OH 44077

Some questions that will be answered:
- Are Mormons Christians?
- What is the Book of Mormon?
- Can families be together forever?
- Why is Kirtland, Ohio important and what happened there?

If you have any questions please feel free to call:
(440) 228-9181
(440) 796-3764

REFRESHMENTS PROVIDED. (Now you want to come....)

PLEEEEAASEEEE SHARE THIS WITH ALL OF YOUR FRIENDS!!!!!!!!! Whether it be by status, text, tweet, email etc. We want to get the word out!!!!

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