Sunday, July 29, 2012

Youth Conference!

Well, I went to Youth Conference this past weekend and had a GREAT time. The spirit was so strong there and I made a lot of new friends. I strengthened my testimony of Jesus Christ and in His atonement. We had the amazing opportunity of hearing Sister Elaine S. Dalton (Young Women's General President), come to speak to us! She challenged us to become P.R.O.S. in our everyday lives. The P stands for praying to our Father in Heaven every morning and night. The R stands for reading our scriptures everyday for at least 5 minutes. The O is obedience to the Lord's commandments. And the S stands for smiling! She said that these are the few things in life that we can be 100% on in life. I am going to try to do this everyday. And I know if we listen to Sister Dalton's counsel and become P.R.O.S. in our everyday lives, we will be happy and our testimonies will grow. And I say that in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.


  1. Christian, this is awesome! Sometimes I feel like I am far below 100% (because there are a lot of good things in front of me and I can only do a small part of them.) Now I can shoot for being one of the PROS. And I'm glad you are, too. You have an especially nice smile...

    1. Thanks! She also said if we miss a day, then just start over the next! The Gospel does not require perfection!
