Monday, February 16, 2015

The Best Two Years

Very soon I will receive my notification of where I will be serving the Lord for two years. It's crazy. I never thought that this time would ever come. Since Primary I guess I have grown a foot, at least. I am so excited to serve because of all those faithful friends and family that have gone before me and testified of how amazing and great it is. I know that I will do well as long as I rely on the Lord, but that is not always easy. I am a very organized person and I typically like to do things by myself because I like the way I do it. I do accept help too, just not as much as I will need to on my mission. I look forward to increasing my testimony of the Savior by testifying of Him to those who need some guidance in their lives. I know that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is true and that Joseph Smith was a prophet and saw God the Father and Jesus Christ. I know that the Atonement is real and helps us in our everyday lives. I am so comforted by knowing that I am enough because of the Atonement and I have realized that I use it a lot more than I think and I invite you to use it every day. I know that Thomas S Monson is a true prophet and that he was called of God to lead and guide this Church. I know that the Book of Mormon is true and that it contains the fullness of the Gospel. I am ecstatic to have the Lord by my side these next two years and know that He can be beside you every day. I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

I'll let everyone know where I am serving before the middle of March! :)