Thursday, December 27, 2012

The Holy Ghost: My Constant Companion.

On my trip to Puerto Rico for Christmas, my sister and I played tennis a few times at the club they had. It was very fun, and tiring. I found that when I played with my CTR ring, it would impede my ability to swing the right way and it hurt my finger. So today, I took it off. Then at the end, I was dripping in sweat from the heat. So I quickly packed up my stuff, and headed to the car. My family came to watch because we were leaving for San Juan right after we finished playing. While in the car, we were putting the address into the GPS, and was then prompted by the Holy Ghost that I left my CTR ring on the court. I quickly ran to the court, relieved to find it under the bench on the court. I suppose it fell through and that's why I didn't pack it. If I didn't find it, I would have been very sad because I find my CTR ring as a great reminder to always be doing good. If I don't have it on, I feel weird. It's a part of me. If I had not been in tune with the Spirit today, I would have left it. I encourage everyone to always be in tune with the Spirit. In this last General Conference, Elder Quentin L. Cook stated: "We will have the Holy Ghost as our guide for spiritual direction." To those who have been baptized into this Church, do you use this sacred gift in your everyday life? If you do, don't take it for granted any longer. I know that if we do this we will be blessed. The Lord wants us to be blessed and is joyful when we do the right things. I love this Church. I wouldn't give it up for anything. I hope that all will be willing to hear this amazing message. And I say this all in Jesus Christ's name, Amen.